
multistep   多步骤的

spectacularly   壮观的
They are shocked by the spectacularly beautiful scenery of Cappadocia.

extrapolation   外推法

capitalization   用大写资本化

ascii   美国化学学会

tokenize   标记化

vocab   人声

Syntactic means relating to syntax. (TECHNICAL)
    ...three common syntactic devices in English.

If something is infrequent, it does not happen often.
    John Marvell was paying one of his infrequent visits to London.
= rare ≠ frequent
    The bridge is used infrequently.
    ...schools which, not infrequently, were made up of 80 per cent or more of ethnic minorities.

bigram   二字组

grammatically   在语法上

If you describe something as outlandish, you disapprove of it because you think it is very unusual, strange, or unreasonable.
    They appeared at parties in outlandish clothes.
    This idea is not as outlandish as it sounds.
= bizarre

He liked to freak people out with his outlandish second head.

summarization   总结

formulae   公式
I know Einstein's formulae, but I don't understand them.

wikipedia   维基百科

Feline means belonging or relating to the cat family.
A feline is an animal that belongs to the cat family.
    The 14lb feline is so fat she can hardly walk.
= cat
You can use feline to describe someone's appearance or movements if they are elegant or graceful in a way that makes you think of a cat. (LITERARY)
    ...a woman with large feline eyes and a sexy voice...
    She moves with feline grace.
= catlike

Young felines are so cute!

If you say that something is nonsensical, you think it is stupid, ridiculous, or untrue.
    It seemed to me that Sir Robert's arguments were nonsensical.
    There were no nonsensical promises about reviving the economy.
= absurd

tolstoy   托尔斯泰

truncating   截断

truncate   截断
Cut off the corners of a cube, and you get this truncated figure with fourteen sides.

instantiates   实例化

equiv   等效

If you say that something is inelegant, you mean that it is not attractive or graceful.
    The grand piano has been replaced with a small, inelegant electric model.
≠ elegant

robustness   稳健性

destabilizing   破坏稳定的

To destabilize something such as a country or government means to create a situation which reduces its power or influence.
    Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government.
    He said that these events had provoked the destabilization of the country.

This latest scandal threatened to destabilize this company's share price.

trickier   棘手的

recurrently   反复

Something that is disproportionate is surprising or unreasonable in amount or size, compared with something else.
    A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic.
    This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence.
= excessive
    There is a disproportionately high suicide rate among prisoners facing very long sentences.

The man's upper body is disproportionate to his lower body.

jaeger   杰格

If you randomize the events or people in scientific experiments or academic research, you use a method that gives them all an equal chance of happening or being chosen. (TECHNICAL)
    The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.
    Properly randomized studies are only now being completed.
≠ bias, skew

truncation   截断

flexibly   灵活

plosion   爆裂

typified   典型的

If something or someone typifies a situation or type of thing or person, they have all the usual characteristics of it and are a typical example of it.
    These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture.
    ...a reaction against the achievements of science, as typified by the development of nuclear weapons.
    ...a more intelligent and articulate breed of disc jockeys, typified by university graduate Simon Mayo.
= epitomize

This beach does really typify my 'tropical island' fantasy.

A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound which is significant in a language. (TECHNICAL)

You use correspondingly when describing a situation which is closely connected with one you have just mentioned or is similar to it.
    As his political stature has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.

If you describe a person or their behaviour as uninhibited, you mean that they express their opinions and feelings openly, and behave as they want to, without worrying what other people think.
    ...a commanding and uninhibited entertainer...
    The dancing is uninhibited and as frenzied as an aerobics class.
    Mason was uninhibited in his questions about Foster's family.

Yes, he is such an uninhibited playboy.

A tilde is a symbol that is written over the letter `n' in Spanish n and the letters `o' o and `a' a in Portuguese to indicate the way in which they should be pronounced.

figuration   外形

precent   进动,进动

trave   横梁

unidirectional   单向的,单向的

polysemy   多义性

If you delimit something, you fix or establish its limits. (FORMAL)
    This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.
= determine

Each line on this map of the USA delimits the states.

uppercase   大写

An actor's or actress's understudy is the person who has learned their part in a play and can act the part if the actor or actress is ill.
    He was an understudy to Charlie Chaplin on a tour of the USA.

penalizes   惩罚

perdu   perdu公司

rerun   重新运行

formalizing   形式化

If you describe something such as a job as undemanding, you mean that it does not require you to work very hard or to think a great deal about it.
    Over a tenth of the population have secure, undemanding jobs.
    The book is an enjoyable and undemanding read.
≠ challenging
If you describe someone as undemanding, you mean they are easy to be with and do not ask other people to do a great deal for them. undemanding companion.
≠ demanding

greedily   贪婪的
He looked at the gold greedily.

exhaustively   穷尽地

If the cost of something is prohibitive, it is so high that many people cannot afford it. (FORMAL)
    The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive.
    ...the prohibitive prices charged for seats at the opera.
    Meat and butter were prohibitively expensive.

The cost of this phone is prohibitive! Why would anyone buy it?

miraculously   奇迹般地

focalization   聚焦

tention   注意力

If someone moves or does something smartly, they do it quickly and neatly. (WRITTEN)
    The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar's desk to answer the call.
    Stacey saluted smartly.
    See also smart.

nonvolitional   非政治的

volitional   有意志的

saliency   显著性

conspicuity   引人注目

involuntarily   不由自主地

fovea   中央凹

macula   黄斑

Acuity is sharpness of vision or hearing, or quickness of thought. (FORMAL)
    Caffeine gives a boost of energy and temporarily sharpens mental acuity.

refocus   重新聚焦

dumbest   最笨的

atten   阿滕

transposing   换位

omitted   省略

coder   编码器

sublayer   亚层

Regressive behaviour, activities, or processes involve a return to an earlier and less advanced stage of development. (FORMAL)
    This regressive behaviour is more common in boys.

It may be considered a regressive behavior for an adult to suck his thumb.

recenter   重新定心

normalizes   标准化

gimpel   吉姆佩尔

applicability   适用性

specif   指定

lustrate   有光泽的

prepend   预先准备

concurrently   同时

multitask   多任务

Unification is the process by which two or more countries join together and become one country.
    ...the process of general European unification.

We are pushing for the unification of all of our subsidiaries into a single company.

ablation   烧蚀

imagen   成像仪

underperform   表现不佳

denominate   命名
Petrol prices are commonly denominated in US dollars.

megatron   威震加速器

chinchilla   龙猫

outperforming   表现优异

A flamingo is a bird with pink feathers, long thin legs, a long neck, and a curved beak. Flamingos live near water in warm countries.

contrastive   对比

optima   最佳

To dislodge something means to remove it from where it was fixed or held.
    Rainfall from a tropical storm dislodged the debris from the slopes of the volcano.
    In the exertion Tompkins' hat had become dislodged.
= displace
To dislodge a person from a position or job means to remove them from it.
    He may challenge the Prime Minister even if he decides he cannot dislodge her this time.

The doctor dislodged the fish bone stuck in his throat.

wireframe   线框

A parabola is a type of curve such as the path of something that is thrown up into the air and comes down in a different place. (TECHNICAL)
= arc

If you do something unobserved, you do it without being seen by other people.
    Looking round to make sure he was unobserved, he slipped through the door.
    John had been sitting, unobserved, in the darkness.
= unseen

nondecreasing   不减少

lemma   引理

semidefinite   半定的

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